27 Sep 08
Gong gong, Mama together with Ee Poh and Chek chek brought me to Kor Poh & John Gong gong's house at Jln Grisek. Photos. so blur cos battery's getting flat.
What a great audience, ha???
Thanks Kor Poh!!!
Dessert time, Kor Poh's feeding me a small piece of papaya!!!
Dale Chek chek, lah!!!
Clue -- big hands!!
U know, who's feeding me????
Mama brought the cooked porridge to Kor Poh house, yummy, Mama. Thanks!!!!
What's for lunch, Mama??
Mama: Sweet potatoe porride with fish, lor!!!
Daddy looks handsome, ya??
26 Sep 08
My box of treasure, ha!!!
Mama, my dear Charlie Brown!!!!
23 Sep 2008
Ayden stands inside the playpen